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Like so many businesses locally and globally, we want to touch base to update you on how we're handling the uncertainty caused by the evolving COVID-19 situation.

In an effort to protect our employees, customers, and community, Hodgdon Yacht Services is temporarily closing to the public (this includes our main office, ship's store, and all facilities). We'll be available by phone and email during regular hours to answer questions, schedule work, or process payments.

Our dedicated crew continues to prepare for the spring launch season and we're lucky to have ample space to continue working at safe distances from one another. We're encouraging our employees follow all recommended precautions and are regularly cleaning shared surfaces.

As things are changing so quickly, we'll continue to monitor the situation and adjust accordingly. We remain optimistic for the upcoming season and look forward to seeing all of our customers and friends soon. We appreciate your support at this time and hope you take care and stay healthy.

Don O'Grady

General Manager, Hodgdon Yacht Services

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